Monday, May 5, 2008

Leaving School

My freshman year in college is over. I'm sorry because this post is going to be very sentimental and sappy. You have been warned. Well, the year is over. It went by very quickly.

I started out the year in Canada on an "IU Beginnings Trip." You move in a week early and you can choose to go on a variety of trips with a small group of people. I went on the Theatre Immersion trip. We went to Stratford, Canada to see their annual Shakespeare Festival. I am still great friends with some of the people I met on the trip.

My first semester of classes were fun. My favorites were Music Theory and Beethoven, Mozart, and Their Era. Monday nights I went to Swing Dance Club (didn't last very long). This was also the time when I thought of the Photography Society and started to plan it.

Other highlights from first semester include:

  • Random Saturday night trip to Cincinnati
  • Camping
  • Late night trips to Qdoba and Ross' place
  • Karen's Party and Quinto's Parties
  • The bagillion concerts I saw (Hilary Hahn signed my Violin!)
  • Seeing the Dali Lama
  • Fall
All in all, a great way to start off my college career. Now we have second semester! One again, very enjoyable. The Photography Society had the first meeting and it was stupendious. There were many members (didn't last long) and many plans. I started taking violin lessons with the always unpredictable but amazingly talented Minjung Cho. The Photography Society had a catered gallery opening with live music. That was probably the best thing to happen this year, I'm so proud of the club. PhoSo also got sponsored by the Hutton Honors College! Woo! Maybe we can finally get some cash! Politicians went crazy over Indiana. Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Dave Matthews, and many others made some visits for the sake of politics.

On the downside, I did have to take Honors Financial Accounting. That class was so difficult and so time consuming I really wanted to drop. I stuck it out, and I think I will get a decent grade. Violin lessons, as great as they were, turned out to be a bigger challenge than I thought. I ended up stressing out over them and getting a little emotional, but I did become a much better player.

There were so many other great things that happened throughout to year but I don't want to bore you. College is awesome. You should definitely go, it's worth it. I really hope that my summer and following year can live up to this one. I have made bunches of lifelong friends and unforgettable experiences. I want to go back!!!

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