Friday, October 24, 2008

My Favorite Walk

The campus is beautiful in the fall. Though I take a bus when I can, I love walking through campus. I have classes all over the place, so I am able to see all the different parts of campus. From the Gothic Revival buildings of the Old Crescent to the international style of the Art Museum, there are all sorts of architecture to see. But, my favorite part of my walks isn't always the architecture.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have a jazz class in the music building. When I walk out of class, I have the best walk home. First I walk past the music practice building. After leaving the music school, I can hear the sounds of tons of musicians practicing coming out of the windows and through the walls.

As I move closer, I can make out individual performers. On the first floor of the practice building there is always a jazz combo practicing. As I keep going, I walk along the side of Merill Hall. The first person I hear is always practicing their flute. Sometimes they are alone, and sometimes they are with a pianist. They are usually playing Classical. Immediately after I hear a violinist, my favorite. She (or he) always has the richest tone and makes me want to stop and listen some more.

The last two musicians I hear are on the front side of the building. There is a clarinetist on the top floor who will practice just one or two measures over and over. Usually they are big intervals, or at least something that sounds difficult to play. I also walk past a piano student and their teacher practicing. I found out the other day that the teacher is Andre Watts.

These are my favorite walks of the week. I only get to hear these musicians for a few seconds, but it it's enough to put a smile on my face.